<p>Harold Klemp's stories are your stories. They're about people like you. They're about extraordinary experiences. Heartwarming experiences. Small miracles and gifts from God that happen in your everyday life. The spiritual good news of today.</p> <p>Take the story of Rebecca, who is told by doctors that she'll never have children. She really wants children of her own. She opens herself to Divine Spirit and asks, "If there's any way for me to have my own children, please let it be so." She practices techniques included in this book and, working with Divine Spirit, reinvents herself. The direction and insight she receives, one day bring her a miracle. A child of her own.</p> <p>A master storyteller, Harold Klemp weaves stories, tools, and techniques into the golden fabric of his books to help you see deeper truths within and apply them in your life <em>now</em>.</p> <p>He speaks directly to Soul--that divine, eternal spark--the real you. The survivor.</p> <p>Spiritual survival is only the starting point in your spiritual life. Harold Klemp shows you how to thrive!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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