<p>They say that life is what you make it, and this saying is truly applicable to prison as well as life. Not to put anyone down, most of us go throughout our lives not caring about anything or anyone. The only thing that can awaken someone who has taken everything and everyone for granted is for that someone to lose what it was that someone had. Then, and only then, can that someone learn to appreciate the blessings they had been given. Thus, when first contemplating the drafting of this book, the question that arose in my mind was not, who would be my intended audience, but what is it that I could possibly give to the audience that this book is intended for? That question was quickly answered after reflecting on the past maybe ten years or beyond, as well as recently, through the media watching how many public figures and celebrities are coming to prison for the first time.</p> <p><em>It is a good read not just for young people but of all ages. Each person that reads this book will come away with a different outlook on life, values and what being free means.</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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